Would this table setting look good with white chair covers or does it need to have black chair covers?
Our reception venue provides white chair covers free of charge. The tables have black table cloths with white overlays and we get to choose whatever color napkin we would like. The drapes in the room are also black with white curtains. I was hoping to remove the white overlay and have just the black table cloth. Black chair covers aren't an option because well they cost a good deal more. But I am just not sure the white chair covers would look good with a black linen without the white overlay. What do you think?
You could do white napkins with purple menu cards! That way the white chair covers are incorporated in the linens and you still have your touch of purple!
If this is the room, the chairs look more gold than white. If that's the case, I think you're fine. And even if you're not, I think you're fine. We're doing black linens with gold chiavaris, and the chiavari's have a *gasp* ivory seat cushion. I doubt people will really care what color chair they're sitting on - though I understand the bridal neuroticism that makes us all think they will all too well. ;)
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