Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1 Month To Go!

I'm back finally after a long hiatus to work on our new home we just moved into. While there are plenty of things to still be done I finally feel like I am not living amid boxes and chaos so I can get back to the wedding stuff.

Today is exactly one month from our wedding. I am pumped and stressed! Because I have been focused on the house for so long all the small projects have crept up on me. But I also can't wait for the wedding to get here.

While I was gone we did do a few things wedding wise. I had my alterations appointment. I am anxious to see the dress because it is going to have to be taken in 2 dress sizes, but I am positive it will look great. Andy picked out his final tux details. Everyone is wearing a 2 button black tux. The only difference is Andy will have a silver tie/vest, groomsmen purple tie/vest, and my dad black tie/vest. Lastly we had our final cake tasting and decided on a design, the cake details will be coming to you tomorrow!

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