Saturday, January 3, 2009

Flower Girl Basket

Today I was catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs since the holidays are over and "normal" life has resumed. Earlier this week on Vintage Glam, Amanda, posted about a flower girl basket that would fit perfectly in our wedding. The "basket" uses only lavender stems and ribbon. Since we are going to have a lavender toss as we leave the church the use of lavender during the ceremony seems like a natural choice. Instead of cream ribbon I could use orange. This project seems simple enough and is really making me reconsider my original choice for the flower girls.

This idea has also gotten me thinking about the candelabras that will be at the end of every third pew. I had thought about tying bows on the candles and calling it a day but maybe we could also include a few stems of lavender along with the ribbons.

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